Zhangisina Gulnur Davletzhanovna is Vice-president of the International Academy of Informatization from 24 November 2016 year. She is candidate of engineering sciences, doctor of pedagogic sciences, professor, honorary educationalist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the International Academy of Informatization, winner of the State grant «The best university teacher» (2005) and State scientific scholarship for scientist and specialists, who made a major contribution to the development of science and engineering (2006-2008), the holder of Gold Medal «European Quality(2014 y.)», Honored Worker of Science and Education of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization. Zhangissina G.D. -author of 5 monographs, over 20 learning aids and more than 400 scientific publications. She is listed in data base of leading scientists and teachers of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (July, 2005 y.). Zhangisina G.D. has over 100 publications in Europe (Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, CzechRepublic, Spane), in Turkey, USA, India, Canada and CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan). Under the guidance of Zhangisina G.D. three postgraduate students has successfully defended their theses, one of them took degree of doctor of engineering sciences and two of them took the degree of candidate of engineering sciences (specialty 05.13.15 – Computing machines and systems). She was also a scientific adviser of 5 magistracy students, who have successfully defended their theses and took their master’s degrees on specialty 6М070400 – Computer science and software engineering and 1 Magister get 2- nd degree in information security in St. Petersburg, Institute of mechanics, optics and information technology(2014 y.). In 1992 Zhangisina G.D. she graduated from postgraduate course of Moscow energy university on specialty 05.13.13 – Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks. She is a specialist in the field of parallel computing and informatization of education. Results of her research work were implemented in the leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Germany. She has 2 Patents (2016&2017 years); Author Certificates; she was the Member of Organization Committee in the World Congress "Petrochemistry 2017"; International Conference in Russia(Miscow, Simferopol) in 2016-2017 years; in Ukraine-Kiev(2013).